Well hello there! Just a little announcement about my Mother's Day Contest and an exhibit I'll be showing 4 images in called 'The Birds', at Photohaus Gallery in Vancouver. The opening reception is 7PM tonight. I can't think of a better way to spend Friday night than to hobnob amongst Neornithes and photogs with a tasty beverage in hand;) Hope to see you there!
But most importantly, it's that time of year again...to honour those special ladies that raised us and made us who we are today! That's right, our Mommalas!
Most of you know that my Mom passed away back in December, 2011. DAYUM! I MISS her every single tiny millisecond of every minute. But always remind myself that I was so lucky to get to be both daughter and best friend to one of the wickedest human beings I've ever known.

That grief is a messed up thing. Just when you think you might be OK, it creeps up and smothers you in sadness. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never stop missing her or wishing she was here and have learned to let these waves just wash over me, instead of trying to run from them.
She was my biggest supporter, advice giver and touchpoint....from creative endeavours to business to current events to photography to dating to cats to Paulo Coelho books to who got voted off The Bachelor...there was ALWAYS something very important we needed to discuss! Inevitably, each conversation ended with a smile and a 'I love you more than (fill in the blank with some ridiculous amount of something, i.e.' all the butterflies flapping their wings', 'all the space dust in the galaxies', etc.)'!
I remind myself that she IS still with me and connect with her in my own little ways...
Most of you know about the hummingbird incident last year...still glowing from that one!
I also get to see her in my dreams ALL the time. Unfortunately for the first several months after she passed, she was always sick. But just recently, she came all dressed up in her Sunday best and looked vibrant and healthy! She gave me one of her famous cozy hugs that warms your heart for days n' days after:)
When I used to do the 'toe stand' pose in yoga, I could only balance for a few seconds before toppling over...now I imagine her holding me up from behind and my spine straightens, my hands go into prayer and I can meet my gaze in the mirror until the teacher instructs us to go back into 'tree' pose.
When lying in 'savasana', I squeeze one of my fists together 3 times, imagining her there holding my hand, like she did with my brother and I to say, 'I. Love.You.', without words.
We all have those people in our lives (whether here physically or in memory and spirit) who make/made us feel loved and supported (what Moms are best at). So in honour of them and my Mama (who was super generous and giving), I am holding the 2nd Annual How Awesome is Your Mom Mother's Day Contest?! Just LIKE the following link on my FB Page and/or leave a word or short novella as to WHY your Mom is da bomb to be entered twice!
I will randomly draw 3 (my Mom's fave number) winners who each get to choose any piece of jewelry from my Etsy shop!
I will announce the winners on Monday, May 13th.
Now's your chance to brag up that special lady who made YOU so amazing:) Happy Mother's Day!
Biggest HUGS,