Monday, April 8, 2013

Are You Gonna Make It?

As captioned by Andrew Steiner, 'Luke, I am your Mother' aka my 'Professional' Woodblock Sanding Gear

This blog instalment should be about my recent trips to Hawaii and Mexico BUT because I have been making photo wood blocks and jewelry like a MOFO since returning for the upcoming ever popular and loved Make It shows in Edmonton and Vancouver, I have simply had no time to write!

So this is gonna be a quickie!

Literally no hour has been wasted. No social outings. No yoga. No monkey business. Just SERIOUS production.

Late night photo glass sesh

Photos set under glass ready to be made into necklaces, rings, earrings, bookmarks and cufflinks!

Much needed kitty love:)  

My glamorous apt/studio (the usual pre-show disaster area) - this was after tidying up a bit 

Unfortunately, almost as soon as I started sanding wood blocks, things went haywire in my neck (not really a new thing - just intensified!) which caused a similar effect in right shoulder, arm and hand. Soooo productivity has been hindered a wee bit by that but on the bright side, I have become quite ambidextrous as a result! I snuck in a massage and IMS treatment last week and hoping to see Chiro before the drive to Edmonton! 

All this has made me feel so...OLD?! Jebus! If this is 38, then what is 50 gonna be like? Don't answer that. ;)

So here are the deets for Make It Edmonton and Vancouver!

Shop for one-of-a-kind handmade items from over 140 of Canada’s hottest urban artisans and designers!

Friday, April 12 - 11am to 9pm
Saturday, April 13 -11am to 6pm
Sunday, April 14 - 11am to 5pm

The Enjoy Centre, 101 Riel Drive. St.Albert

$5 at the door - $1 off with email list coupon...sign up through this special link.

Reasons you will love Make It = over 140 Canadian indie crafters + designers, live music, delicious food, wobbly pops, nice friendly folks, awesome vibe!

Friday, April 19 - 4pm to 9pm
Saturday, April 20 - 11am to 7pm
Sunday, April 21 - 11am to 5pm

The Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive

$5 at the door - $1 off with email list coupon... sign up through this special link.

Freshly transferred photos onto wood blocks drying on my roof!

New cherry blossom photo jewels (photos taken in Vangroovy of course)! 

I will be arriving late Wednesday night to Edmonton and setting up Thursday as the show is Fri-Sun. Then I hit the road back to Vangroovy on Monday to prep for the show here. Sooooo to all my peeps I normally get to visit with in Edmonton, I hope you can come for a visit at the Enjoy Centre as I probably won't be able to see you otherwise!!

As for everyone else in these areas - hope you can MAKE IT;)


"Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but, while their companions slept, they were toiling upward in the night."  
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was an American educator and poet. 

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